About eSign Service

Currently, many applications or forms submitted by a citizen require physical signature of the citizen. A digital signature takes the concept of traditional paper-based signing and turns it into an electronic "fingerprint." This "fingerprint," or coded message, is unique to both the document and the signer and binds them together.

In short, a digital signature has the same function as that of a handwritten signature. Some of the salient features of digital signature are non-repudiation, integrity and authenticity. The Information Technology Act 2000 provides the required legal sanctity to digital signatures based on asymmetric crypto systems.


eSign based on Biometric (Fingerprint/Iris) level authentication is ideal for and risks and consequences of data compromise are moderate. This may include transactions having substantial monetary value or risk of fraud, or involving access to private information where the likelihood of malicious access is substantial.

  • Save cost and time with easy to apply Digital Signature.

  • Mandatorily requires Aadhaar ID due to Aadhaare-KYC based authentication

  • Flexible and fast integration with application

  • Legally recognized and privacy concerns addressed

  • Immediate destruction of keys after usage, so, no key storage and key protection concerns.

  • Suitable for individual, business and Government

Contact With Us

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical
Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.

Vestibulum nulla libero, convallis, tincidunt suscipit diam, DC 2002

+91 230 456 7890

+91 12 345 67895
